SMM Adopts ZW3D for Fixed Propeller Design and Manufacturing

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Stone Manganese Marine (SMM) is one of the leading manufacturers of large fixed propellers in the world. SMM has been involved in designing and manufacturing ship’s propellers for more than 100 years. The company just announced an important innovation in propeller design that reduces fuel consumption in ships by a significant amount. SMM needed to replace its existing surface modeler with a CAD/CAM software package that would assist them at the manufacturing stage of the project for the construction of the full-scale propeller. 



SMM drew up a list of functionality that was required for the project including surface vectors, intersections, fitting accurate curves through propellers (the curve fitting had to be absolutely accurate through all points), extending surfaces and intersecting surfaces. ZW3D offered the functionality required at a fraction of the cost of its competitors. 



ZW3D offered the functionality required at a fraction of the cost.

— Stone Maganese

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