Khodiyar Industries Chose ZW3D to Speed Up Packaging Machine Production

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Khodiyar Industries is an eminent manufacturer of packaging machines in India, providing hydraulic moulding machines, plastic injection moulding machines, compression moulding machines, etc., which are used to produce various plastic products.

Figure 1. The packaging machine produced by Khodiyar Industries


From 2D CAD to 3D CAD

Khodiyar Industries has been using 2D CAD in product development for a long time. With the growth of business, the existing 2D CAD system can no longer satisfy the request of faster production speed and increasingly complex design needs for packaging machines. The company was thus looking for a new 3D CAD solution to eliminate the bottlenecks and handle more complex design. Powerful modeling capability and flexibility, and strong data interoperability are the prior considerations in their selection. "The new solution should be able to shorten the turnaround from design through engineering," the CEO emphasized.


Bring packaging machines from design to market faster

After comparing existing solutions in the market, the company considered the most suited one was ZW3D, which is equipped with powerful data translator and abundant modeling features. Let's see how ZW3D satisfies their needs for growing production.

ZW3D covers the needs of its whole product development workflow, bringing Khodiyar Industries increased efficiency and flexibility from product sketching, product design, assembly, to the final 2D drawings documentation.

Figure 2. The product development workflow of Khodiyar Industries

At the very beginning, the ease of use and friendly UI ensured their smooth transition from 2D CAD to 3D CAD. "ZW3D allowed us to move from 2D to 3D at a pace that met our needs. It was a smooth transition, and we didn’t lag in production," said CEO of Khodiyar Industries.

When it comes to sketching, intuitive sketch functions speed up their process of part design. Quick Draw, Intelligent Cursor and Auto Dimension help designers of Khodiyar Industries quickly define 2D feature profiles, the path curves and the location of models.

Figure 3. Intuitive sketch functions to speed up part design

Then, in the 3D CAD environment, abundant and flexible modeling functions help them easily create shapes and streamline the product design process. “We are enjoying the usability and effectiveness of ZW3D, especially the flexible synchronous technology (Direct Edit),” said one of the designers from Khodiyar Industries.

Figure 4. Flexible modeling functions to create complex parts

After designing the parts, it’s time to assemble them. Logical assembly manager and optional top-down or bottom-up assembly tactics allow Khodiyar Industries to manage large assemblies at ease. They also use rigorous alignments to create alignment relationships among components to make sure that the assembly is reasonable. What’s more, verification tools like Dynamic Section Tool help them identify errors at an early stage to ensure manufacturability.

Figure 5. Use Dynamic Section Tool to ensure product manufacturability

Last but not least, the 3D design will be output to 2D drawings for manufacturing. ZW3D’s professional 2D drawing functions help Khodiyar Industries shorten the time from design to production. For example, useful tools like Quick Dimension, Balloon, BOM Table and Style Manager empower a smoother production workflow. Multiple 2D drawings can be created automatically, delivering higher efficiency.

Figure 6. The 2D sheet of a moving plate

Figure 7. The 2D sheet of a toggle


Right tools to boost more successful business

Thanks to ZW3D’s superior modeling functions and simplified workflow, it helps Khodiyar Industries easily tackle increasingly complex product design required by today’s changing markets.

“ZW3D has addressed industrial design requirements based on its extremely powerful CAD/CAM package. The more you use its Shape Studio, the more you see how powerful it is. ZW3D brings extraordinary benefits to small design studios like ours who are looking for a solution that enables them to provide customers with a complete service offering. My business is larger and more successful as a direct result of using ZW3D,” said CEO of Khodiyar Industries.

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