Copying Entities

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Copying Entities


You can copy one or more entities, making one copy or multiple copies within the current drawing. You can also copy entities between drawings.

Copying entities within a drawing
You can duplicate entities within the current drawing. The default method is to create a selection set and then specify a starting point, or base point, and an endpoint, or displacement point, for the copy. You can make multiple copies or copy the selection set to a location you specify, using a direction vector.

1. Do one of the following:
•Menu: Modify > Copy.
•Modify toolbar:  \
•Type copy and then press Enter.
2.   Select the entities, and then press Enter.
3.   Specify the base point.
4.   Specify the displacement point of the first copy.
5.   Specify the displacement point of the next copy.
6.   Continue specifying displacement points to place additional copies.
7.   To complete the command, press Enter. 



To make multiple copies of an entity, select the entity to copy (A), specify the base point (B), and then specify the displacement points (C, D, and E).

Copying between drawings
You can use the Clipboard to cut or copy entities from one drawing to another. Cutting removes the selected entities from a drawing and stores them on the Clipboard. Copying duplicates the selected entities from a drawing and places them on the Clipboard.

1. To cut entities to the Clipboard: Select the entities you want to cut.
• Menu: Edit > Cut.
• Cut toolbar:  \
• Type cutclip and then press Enter.
2. To copy entities to the Clipboard: Select the entities you want to copy.