Automatic Machining Strategies

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Automatic Machining Strategies

Normally, Creating a CAM program, we have to do a lot of things, such as analyzing the features, creating tools, choosing strategies, setting many parameters. Is there any powerful software can do it automatically? Yes! We can find the answer in ZW3D 2011. ZW3D 2011 includes a new CAM technology that extends state of the art feature recognition with a built-in intelligent knowledge base. Using ZW3D's combination of tools, automation and shop-floor machining logic, ZW3D breaks down part topology into solid features and then analyzes the capabilities of your tool library to produce an effective, efficient machining plan and generate a more realistic machining work flow. Here are the three options that support the new technology:

1.  Hole Tactic

Right click on the word “Tactics” under the Setup1 in the CAM plan manager to access the menu, then select the option “Add Hole Tactic”.  A hole making tactic will be defined and shown under Tactic.  Double click with your left mouse button on the hole tactic and you get the “Hole Tactic Manager” popup.  Then set the drilling rules such as the sequence of drilling, parameters of each drilling and the type of axis and so on. Please refer to the picture shown below.

After you have finished those steps go to select machining feature selection. You can either select Hole features or the entire part as the feature. The rules set in the “Hole Tactic Manager” will be applied to the selected features. The rules will determine which kind of tools will be used. Normally, the cutting order will be performed according to the feature type such as hole, bore, ream, tap, etc, but it also can be changed by the user in the “Hole Tactic Manager”. Then right click your mouse button on the defined tactic and select the option "Create/Update Operation” to calculate the cutting operation automatically.

It can generate not only the 3-axis hole making operations but also the 5-axis operations.  See the pictures below.

2. Mill2 Tactic

This operation is similar to the Hole Tactic.  Use it to define a “2 Axis Milling tactic” which can create "intelligent" rule-based 2 Axis milling operations for the selected feature or part.  Here is a simple flow to show how it works.


* First, add a Mill2 Tactic.       Right-click on “Tactics”    >   “Add Mill2 Tactic”.

* Second, select the machining feature.  In this example, select the “Part” under Geometry.

* Third, set parameters according to your requirements

* Then, all the flat areas will be automatically recognized and the related cutting operation will be generated.


3. Mill3 Tactic

Use it to define a “3 Axis Milling tactic” which can create "intelligent" rule-based 3 Axis operations. Engineers can break down part topology into solid features and then analyzes the capabilities of your Tool library to produce an effective, efficient machining plan and generate a more realistic machining work flow. The operation of the strategy is very similar to that of the mill2 tactic.