I am new as a ZW3D user, and when I set the Speeds and Feeds parameters, I feel a little confusing. It seems that they can be set in different places. For example, I set them in the Tool Manager, create some operations, and adjust the S, F values according to the requirements of different operations. However, when I go to Tool Manager in a specific operation to change the S, F values again, some of them are changed but others are not. I just don’t understand the rules, could you please explain it clearly?
In order to enable users to access the Tool Manager and adjust the S, F values more easily, there are many entries to it. Also there are several places to set the S, F, including the Global S, F parameters in Tool Manager, and the Local S, F parameters in the operation parameters form. Whether the change of the Global parameters takes effect in operation or not depends on where you load the Tool Manager. If you load it from a specific operation, then the update will only take effect on this operation. If you access it from Tools node in the CAM tree, then any existing operation parameters will not be changed, but the updated global S, F parameters will be applied to new operations. Here are more details about the rules.
l All the values of Speeds and Feeds are output from “operation parameters form”.
l When selecting an existing tool under the Operations node, the S, F values of this tool will be copied to “operation parameter form”.
l If you want to copy the change of the S, F parameters for a specific operation to other operations, simply open the “operation parameters form” of other operations and click the OK or Apply button