Sankei Design Builds a Greener Future Using ZWCAD

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Founded in 1978, Sankei Design is a Japan-based vessel design company specializing in piping and electrical design. It provides industry-leading solutions of Ballast Water Management System (BWMS) and SOx scrubbers, both of which play an important role in lowering the marine industry’s impact on the environment.

Since its foundation, it has promoted the advancement of vessel design in every aspect with its state-of-the-art equipment and its elite team of 30 designers and industry experts.

Vessel design is one of the most complex fields that require the use of various advanced CAD software, and collaboration among different teams. Sankei Design was looking for a 2D CAD solution that is high-performance, seamlessly compatible, and cost-effective. Eight years ago, they knew of ZWCAD through local ZWCAD reseller JMU Systems. and were surprised to find it was similar to AutoCAD and equally powerful. They purchased ZWCAD quickly and continued to purchase more in the following 8 years.


Seamlessly Compatible

Sankei Design uses a wide range of design software for different purposes. Apart from ZWCAD, they use other 2D CAD software such as AutoCAD and IJ CAD, and 3D CAD software like CADMATIC and Plant 3D. The application of different software requires a high level of format compatibility. Kazuo Yamamoto, President of Sankei Design, said, “ZWCAD supports all mainstream formats such as DWG and DXF, so it is highly compatible with other software, especially AutoCAD. There is no lagging or crashing, making data exchange easier and reducing data loss."

Figure 1. Ship piping 3D model


Unchanged Performance, Lower Costs

ZWCAD has a familiar interface, easy-to-use commands and customizable functions. All these make it effortless to master ZWCAD within hours, so users can breeze through their tasks just as before. Yamamoto added, “Previously we used AutoCAD for many years. When we first introduced ZWCAD, we were surprised that it was very similar to AutoCAD. We adapted to it quickly without any training and delivered our projects with no delay.”

ZWCAD comes with a perpetual license without monthly or yearly subscription fees. Compared with other CAD software on the market, it can save up to 40% every year. Also, its perpetual licenses are available in network and stand-alone versions to meet diverse needs. “As a vessel design company, we need to buy a variety of CAD software and analysis tools, and many of them are very expensive. We are very pleased with ZWCAD’s price. It really helped us a lot in saving costs, giving us an advantage on price,” said Yamamoto.

Figure 2. A Sankei Design’s engineer worked on a 2D drawing of ship design.

Today, sustainable shipping has become a priority in the marine industry. By using ZWCAD, Sankei Design can stay competitive in its field and help spread the application of BWMS and SOx scrubbers, creating a cleaner and greener environment for both ocean creatures and humankind.

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