e-CAD Steel

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More third-party add-ons are available for better industry-specific application.

e-CAD Steel

Applications 2023-01-20 11:09:00 3118


The multi-platform and multi-language e-CAD Steel software is an add-on for popular CAD software products, developed in LISP® and DCL®. 

The ergonomics of e-CAD Steel facilitates automatic trimming of steel elements, and more.

e-CAD Steel has been developed from scratch for the users to maximally personalise the add-on components according to their preferences. The most often used settings, like element scale, units of length, mass, and surface area are provided in the Configuration dialogue, while other settings are in generally accessible, editable files.

The price of the e-CAD Steel software includes a perpetual license for one workstation. Download and test free.


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