Fellow CADers worldwide, have you been learning and practicing CAD skills while social distancing? Why not seize the opportunity to memorize the CAD commands beginning with M below?
How do you usually send the drawing you are working on to your colleagues via email? Save it as a local file, and then send it as an attachment? Makes sense. Well, there is a more convenient way—the MAIL command! Steps:
Now, the current drawing in ZWCAD can be automatically attached as a .dwg file in an email. Much simpler and quicker, eh?
[su_spoiler title="Tip" open="yes" style="fancy" icon="chevron-circle"]To use this command, your program should be ZWCAD 2020 SP1 or a later version. (Try the latest ZWCAD for free!)[/su_spoiler]
We all know how to use the Format Painter. But do you know there is a CAD version of it? Also, good for you if you still remember how to “paint” layer properties after learning about CAD commands beginning with L. This time I’m showing you how to “paint” the properties of multiple objects with those of a certain object using the Match Properties function. Steps:
See? The hatch and color of the source object have been copied to the destination objects with just a few clicks.
I hope the DIVIDE command still rings a bell. MEASURE is similar to it, allowing you to mark the equal intervals of an object with points or blocks, but by specifying the length of the segments instead of the number of them. To show you how it works with blocks, here’s an example of planting trees on a hill. Steps:
If you choose to measure the entity with points, simply specify the segment length after selecting the entity, that is, skipping Steps 3–5.
[su_spoiler title="Tip" open="yes" style="fancy" icon="chevron-circle"]Again, don’t fret if the points “didn’t appear”. Just turn to the DDPTYPE command. (Review DIVIDE and DDPTYPE right now!)[/su_spoiler]
Symmetrical designs are ubiquitous arts of harmony. Using the MIRROR command, you can create such designs with only half the work done—that's the beauty of CAD. Steps:
See? Symmetrical designs become so easy with MIRROR!
When drawing wall plans, the MLINE command can help you draw multiple parallel lines quickly. But, the awkward open corners or random intersections that come along could be a headache. Here, MLEDIT is the powerful “pain killer” you need. Steps:
With MLEDIT, you can “heal” your mlines effortlessly.
If you “m”anage to go through these CAD commands beginning with M, I salute you for the passion and self-discipline. During this exceptional time, let’s “n”ot be careless, but stay healthy and hardworking! Subscribe to our blog and never miss a post!
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