Anything about ZWSOFT
From June15 to June16, Creative CNC LLC, ZW3D Value Added Reseller in the U.S., is to attend Amerimold 2016 at the Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi, MI.
Xianjin, the authorized distributor of ZWCAD in Thailand, presented ZWCAD at Architect 2016 from April 26th to May 1st in Bangkok, Thailand.
Grand opening ZW3D 2016 is coming at Rama Garden, Thailand, 18 May.
ZW3D presented at STOM-TOOL fairs in March 2016.
ZW3D Announces 2015 Awarded Partners.
ZW3D announced that it has been chosen by Right Way Industrial Co., LTD. (RW Group), a professional for reaching higher productivity, lower cost and shortening the lead time.
Nitrosoft attended 2016 SIMTOS in Korea, presenting ZW3D products to visitors.
This year, ZWTECH(ZW3D Malaysia Partner) will present ZW3D at MetalTech 2016 Malaysia.Here is the details:
Seminars - ZW3D 2016 Do you need 3D CAD/CAM? Are you design engineer? Are you desinging a mold or machining? A...
Our partner in Czech Republic,CADservis, s.r.o., is to hold a training to present you new features & improvements...
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