Anything about ZWSOFT
The ZW3D Technical Report for the last quarter has aroused many echoes, and it’s so encouraging that it did help our users. The one for the second quarter is ...
GUANGZHOU, CHINA: April 2nd, 2020 – Electrode Focus™, a third-party plug-in developed by FOV, is now available in ZW3D 2020 (Version: Standard, Professio...
An ideal place to spend leisure hours? I’d vote for a wooden deck where you’re free to enjoy the sunshine, tweets of birds, BBQ parties, etc. outdoors while...
ZWSOFT today launched ZWCAD 2021 Beta, which smooths the way to faster display, finer visuals, and better user experience.
One of the technological revolutions that construction professionals gladly embrace is drones. As the use of drones is predicted to be an industry trend in 2020...
[embed][/embed] Since the pandemic began, infrared thermometers can be seen in many public places to detect people’s temperature....
As a great helper of design, CAD software has been boosting designers' efficiency for decades. 2D CAD, which came out first, has been widely used in multiple industries... As a grea...
GUANGZHOU, CHINA: June 24, 2020– GEOGEXFR powered by Covadis®, a practical add-on for French-speaking surveyors, is available on ZWCAD 2020. Facilitating ...
GEOGEXFR powered by Covadis®, a practical add-on for French-speaking surveyors, is available on ZWCAD 2020.
Today is the International Women in Engineering Day, on which we celebrate the achievements of women engineers and encourage their growth in related industries....
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