ZWSOFT Supports You To Work From Home
To better support global CAD/CAM users to work from home under the current pandemic, ZWSOFT gives out FREE home licenses of ZWCAD, ZW3D, and CADbro.
2020-03-23The Differences Between Named-user Subscription and Network Licensing
"Named-user Subscription" is a hot concept recently. What does it mean to CAD users? What about the differences with Network Licensing? Keep reading.
2020-03-20Re-live ZW3D 2020 YouTube Live
ZW3D 2020 YouTube Live has just concluded. During the live, Juno Chan, Chris Chan, and Zack Wang, our CAD/CAM experts, shared the improvements and new functions...
2020-01-22Andreas Mehtälä: New Features in ZW3D 2020 are Big Time Savers (Part Two)
Andreas Mehtälä, the experienced engineer, also the Founder of The Engineering School, recently tried ZW3D 2020 and shared his trial report with us. In the la...
2019-12-27Andreas Mehtälä: New Features in ZW3D 2020 are Big Time Savers (Part One)
Since the release of ZW3D 2020, the new version is widely recognized by users for its upgraded capabilities of design and machining. Many ZW3D lovers explored t...
2019-12-27Nantes, an Industrial City with Non-industrial Feelings
The bond between me and Nantes is quite tight. Since I am in charge of the French Market, I have been to Nantes two times a year. I love this city, because it h...
2018-06-25One Highlight for 2018 ZWCAD Europe Forum
2016 ZWCAD Europe ForumThere is an exciting news for the upcoming 2018 ZWCAD Europe Forum -- French Application Partner Meeting has been added to the agenda, wi...
2018-06-24Action now! ZW3D Exciting Football Gear Design Challenge is on Fire
Beer and cheer, who's the winner? The FIFA World Cup season is rocking on the world. And the ZW3D team prepared a fun challenge for you to celebrate the footbal...
2018-06-22How to Define ZWSOFT for the Next 20 Years?
In the 2018 ZWCAD Asia Forum held a week ago, Truman Du, the CEO of ZWSOFT, has made clear where will ZWSOFT go in the next 20 years, which can be concluded by ...
2018-06-15Get the latest newsletters about products, customer stories, tutorials, events, and offers delivered straight to your inbox!
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